Home Detox: Part 1 (Where I Take Inventory and Omit)

My mom and I were having a conversation about chemicals in our environment. More specifically, we were talking about how young girls are developing earlier and earlier. She heard from one local doctor that researchers are now indicating that chemicals in the home could be causing this.

Now, I don’t use a lot of harsh chemicals. I have always been a Shaklee gal and use a lot of their products for laundry, general cleaning, dishes. And I try to buy some good skincare products.

But after this conversation with my mom, I mopped my floors with my wet Swiffer and immediately developed a headache from the chemical smell (although it did smell GOOD!).

I started thinking about my girls. Maybe these chemicals aren’t bad right now, or today, or tomorrow. But over time, I’m sure the ongoing exposure is harmful. And there ARE alternatives.

Sometimes it’s just easier to grab a disposable Swiffer mop than to fill up a bucket. Honestly, though, it’s not THAT much harder to use the better stuff, it just seems harder…and takes a little bit more thought.

So with my daughters in mind, I decided to launch into a real house detox. Tonight I took inventory of the chemicals in my house – and without even blinking, I came up with a whole pile of chemically products that I want out immediately.

I’m still looking through cabinets – the picture above is just the first round. And I have some items that I’m still contemplating (like should I keep a little bit of bleach just in case?!).

So now I have a pile of chemicals. And if I don’t want them in my house, I certainly don’t want them in the landfill, or down the drain.

A quick Google search led me to my local hazardous waste sites around town. There are four in my county in Michigan, and I was able to request an appointment via e-mail. All I need to do is bring in my box of not-so-goody goodies and they’ll take care of properly disposing them.

With baby #2 on the way in just a few weeks and a toddler who likes to test out everything by sticking it in her mouth, I’m ready to get serious about fumes and cleaners in my home. Now to figure out what to replace them with…but that’s another post, and another plan that I have already worked up in my head. Stay tuned!

Has anyone else done a home detox? Leave a comment! I know I could use more ideas of things I can get out of my house…

Author: Heather Hammond

Questions are worth asking. They bring us closer to ourselves and to God. Writer, wife, mother, Christian, creative.

3 thoughts on “Home Detox: Part 1 (Where I Take Inventory and Omit)”

  1. I mostly just clean with Meyer’s all purpose cleaner for everything. I use Ecos laundry soap and toilet bowl cleaner (both at Costco) but the one thing I continually have trouble finding a replacement for is dishwasher soap. Either it doesn’t work as well or it’s too expensive (or so I perceive) for the amount of times I run my didhwasher each week…or even each day! I’m looking forward to the rest of your series 🙂

  2. We use eco laundry soap from costco or seventh generation (dishsoap, dishwasher soap, laundry detergent). You can find that at Target. The all natural dishwasher soaps leave a white film after a while so I run a load of my glassware with vinegar every few weeks. That works well. Vinegar is awesome!

    body wash has been easy to find, but I haven’t found shampoo and conditioner I like (tell me if you do).
    Baby washes are full of terrible chemicals. It’s so scary.

    I also use Norwex products. They are microfiber cleaning cloths that you only use with water. I LOVE them.

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